Founded by Greg Katulski and named after their 2 children Cora and Ian, Cor-Ian Auctions located in Yale Michigan. is a family oriented business that has an expert understanding of the broad range of our client’s needs. We offer services in:
Liquidation, Estate, Farm , Antique, Collectible Auctions, Machinery , and Charity Auctions. Also appraisals or any other type of auctions you may need. Cor-Ian Auctions will strive for maximum return on your assets and we consider ourselves partners in your project, not liquidators. We can handle any size project and save our clients’ money as well as converting assets to cash. Our Professional Auction Services can help you! Prior auction clients include Automotive Memorabilia collections, Estate Sale Auctions and Liquidations. We convert your assets into cash promptly! To find out more call 810-304-6085
Call 810-304-6085
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Cor-Ian Auctions LLC, is in no way associated with F.I. Dupont de Nemours and Company , or it's Corian Trademark
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